Meirion Thomas - March 19, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
The word of God and prayer - both vital for the life and witness of a church (2 Kings 6:8-23)

Terry Williams - March 12, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
'Crisis' miracles - to show Christ's glory and to worship Him (John 6:1-21)

Alex Hutter - March 5, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
How can people repent if they never hear? (Isaiah 22:7-14)

Peter Gwyther - February 26, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
If we are God's people - prove it by the way we live: Sunday to Sunday (Ephesians 5:1-21)

JP Earnest - February 19, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
True trust in Christ is precious, fruitful and persevering (2 Peter 1:1-11)

Andy Millership - February 12, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
To know Christ - the greatest "city of refuge", today and forever (Deuteronomy 19:1-21)

Geraint Lloyd - February 5, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
This holy God - in our failure and disappointments, restores our fellowship and joy in Him (2 Samuel 6:1-27)

Mike Matthews - January 29, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
The glories of our redemption - what we are redeemed from and redeemed to (1 Peter 1:18-21)

Ben Fiddian - January 15, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
The big redemptive picture of Christ in God's cosmos (Ephesians 1:1-2:10)

Ian Middlemist - January 8, 2017 (Sunday Evening).
Am I being lied to? Can truth be found? (John 14:1-31)

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