John Woolham - July 15, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
True Christianity - allegiance to Christ alone (John 14:1-18)

Bruce Powell - July 8, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
The mystery, glory and purpose of a suffering Saviour on the cross - for me! (Luke 22:39-53)

Ben Fiddian - June 24, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
The message, unity, gifts and responsibility of grace within the Church (Ephesians 4:1-20)

Peter Elwood - June 17, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
God grant I'll never be ashamed of Jesus - or He of me - on that last day of judgement (Mark 13:5-17)

Andrew Scully - June 10, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
Five characteristic and repercussions of preaching "in the name of Jesus" (Acts 3:1-10)

Sulwyn Jones - June 3, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
A challenge: "this little girl" - faithful; godly; confident (2 Kings 5:1-4)

Adam Thomas - May 27, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
Paul's example of great wisdom and judgement under a providential God when in dire situations (Acts 27:22-31)

Phil Hill - May 20, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
Important aspects of "relationship culture" in the believer's life and in the church (Romans 12:9-21)

Norman Rees - May 13, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
When Satan drives us to despair - Christ's grace alone is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:1-10)

James Allen - May 6, 2018 (Sunday Evening).
Psalm 50 (Romans 2:17-24)

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