Adrian Brake
- January 15, 2023 (Sunday Evening). |
Andrew Lansdowne - 8th January 2023 pm |
(Colossians 1:1-20) |
Chris Rogers
- August 14, 2022 (Sunday Morning). |
The glory of the mighty Trinity in our salvation and sanctification until Christ returns. |
(Colossians 1:9-23) |
Adrian Brake
- July 24, 2022 (Sunday Evening). |
How a just and holy God can clear this "certificate of debt" all Mankind owes him. |
(Colossians 2:1-15) |
James Howlett
- June 26, 2022 (Sunday Morning). |
Christ alone reconciles us to a Holy God, to give a full & complete life in Him. |
(Colossians 1:9-23) |
Chris Rogers
- November 7, 2021 (Sunday Evening). |
The great exchange - the greatest change. |
(Colossians 1:1-18) |
Conrad Pomeroy
- August 18, 2019 (Sunday Morning). |
The divine glory of Christ - every facet of God found in Jesus |
(Colossians 1:24-29) |
Nigel Clifford
- February 3, 2019 (Sunday Morning). |
The victory over the "Old Man"; seeing our minds on things above |
(Colossians 3:1-17) |
Peter Gwyther
- February 26, 2017 (Sunday Morning). |
The constant battle - putting to death the old nature by His Spirit's power |
(Colossians 3:1-17) |
Peter Gwyther
- October 23, 2016 (Sunday Evening). |
Overcoming the attractions of this world - having a mind set on Heavenly realities and glories |
(Colossians 3:11) |
Peter Gwyther
- October 23, 2016 (Sunday Morning). |
When vain philosophies fail, hold fast to the Lord Jesus in simple faith |
(Colossians 2:19) |